Thursday, May 17, 2012

"About the culture of 21st century"

We are once on Earth in our life and many of us belive that death won't be the end of it, but a new begining. For centuries people were looking for aim of life, with dirrefent results, but one thing didn't change: it always take time. But how we spend it today ?

In XXI century, we use time as something we can measure, sell, safe, change and waste. We're in hurry all the time, spending our life at buildings, among foreign people loosing track of time.

Many things changed humanity in recent decades: work in industries, media, advertisements, even medicine. We're still chasing something and therefore we forget about listening to our body and soul. 

If one of theme gives us signals that something is maybe wrong, we ignore it.We rather want to take pills and spend our free time doing funny stuff for our pleasement than resolve and avoid stress and problems by working on ourselves.

Now almost everything we can buy if we have enough money, event health, love and respect. But are we better people now than thousands years ago? Are we happy during our life ? Do we make something for others or just for ourselves ?

I'll try to explain all these changes here and give you some advices how to change your point of view. Changing couple of things by reading a lot of books, learning, analysing and observing your environment will makes your life better. You'll make big steps in life, by small changes.

I'll share my observations and knowledge with you, and tell you how I did my "changeover" step by step, showing many of my ideas and thoughts here too.

Every, event the smallest change takes time and we have to learn about it anew,
and world'll always push us further and harder destroying our health and point of view.  Then it'll offer us many of things to resolve our problems quick and painlessly. But it isn't a solution and I'll write about it later.

So stay in touch with me,


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