Saturday, September 01, 2012

Some fact about food and drugs advertisement"

Twentieth century gave us television, internet and global freedom. Flow of information become fast and world-wide. Now it's so easy for us to have informations from every part of Earth. Everytime and everywhere. It was just a dream for earlier generations. But it gave us much more with it ... 

It gave enormous power to the media and tools to lead our subconsciousness, It can be used in TV programs, films, advertises, papers, toys - everywhere. Most of us even don't know about it and live without sensing any danger. Food and pharmaceutical industry is growing up every year. New medicaments are created, new textures of dishes (for example smelly, colorful candies or sweet headache tablets) are taking part in our lifes everyday. But do we need all of them for sure ? ...

I read many books about healthy lifestyle, acient cultures, eastern and western look at the longevity, food and human spirituality. It gave me many valuable informations about my surrounding and myself. I started to observe my environment, by looking on my friends  lifestyles and impact of the advertising's industry to them. Health and food are very important for us and choices we made will affect the length, quality of our lives and number of potential problems in old age. 

Many companies offer us a colorful, healthy and long  life. Food isn't just something that keeps us alive. It's a product which can make you happier, more sufisticated and more slim. You can also take a pill for almost everything without going to doctor for recipe. It'll not only kill your phisically pain, but it'll resolve most of your problems. Many of us have one in our bag - just in case...

Why big corporations do that ? Do you think they really care about our health, long life and happiness ? Or maybe they want to create a vision which we'll live in and to live that way we'll have to buy new products and be even addicted to buying them, and thinking that living without suplements, vitamins, nutritious they're selling us is no longer possible ... Josef Stalin said "One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic". I think that for big companies we are just  statistics -  numbers for marketing departments and naive consumers for sellers. 

In next posts I'll analyze ads from big companies in food and medicaments industries. We'll start from sugary drinks.

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